Used Hamrick Model 360 Automatic Case Packer

Used Hamrick Model 360 Automatic Case Packer

Location:Portland, OR

Available quantity:1


(1) Available - Item is a used Hamrick Model 360 case packer that is currently set up and running 12oz ongneck glass beer bottles in a 4x6 pack configuration. There are several additional packing grids included with the machine. In addition, there is a large bottle infeed conveyor included as well.

2005 Hamrick Packaging Systems Automatic Drop Case Packer

Model # 360 Packer

Electrical: Main - 480V/3P/60Hz; Control - 120V / 24V

Rated at 20 cases per minute, up to 4 lane wide infeed

Last used to pack 12oz long neck glass bottles in a 4x6 case pattern


Has changeover parts for the following case patterns:

●      3x8

●      4x4

●      4x6

●      4x7


Allen Bradley MicroLogix 1400 PLC


Footprint: 158” L x 68” W


22" wide by 20' long stainless steel product infeed conveyor is currently integrated with infeed and included in price.


ManufacturerHamrick Manufactuing Services
ModelModel 360
Stock Number8356