(3) available - Used BSV 2 bbl Jacketed Brite Tanks

(3) available - Used BSV 2 bbl Jacketed Brite Tanks

Location:Portland, OR

Available quantity:3


3 available - these are BSV (Blackstone 2 bbl jacketed brite tanks. They were shipped to a client who never installed them and put them into use. They have not had product in them but will be sold as "Used". BSV 2 bbl (62 Gal usable capacity) jacketed brite tank with top manway, cip, prv, sample valve, and butterfly valves. Jacketed, insulated and stainless clad with top manway door, 3 legs with adjustable footpads. Excellent tank for carbonating and packaging. Price is per tank - three available.


ManufacturerBSV (Blackstone)
Model2bbl bbt
Stock Number8184