NS BSV 160 bbl Jacketed Brite Tank

NS BSV 160 bbl Jacketed Brite Tank
Location:Portland, OR
Call (503) 222-7079
Item is a new stock BSV 160 bbl jacketed brite tank. Specifications are as follows: Item is a new stock BSV 160 bbl jacketed brite beer tank. These are designed to be approx 89 in. od. They are designed with optimal jacket coverage to include 3 sidewall jackets as well as a jacket on the bottom dish. The tanks are constructed of stainlees steel with insulation and stainless cladding in #4 finish. They include a side inswing manway door, 2" bottom discharge, racking port, sample valve, carbonation stone port with stone (2), cip arm and seperate stand pipe with prv and pressure gauge. They are pressure tested to 30psi They are also outfitted with six legs with cross braces and adjustable feet.. Build time is 12-14 weeks and drawings will be available for review and approval within 2 weeks of order. Photo is of similar 150 bbl Tanks
Model | 160bbt |
Condition | New |
Stock Number | 7443 |