NS BSV 5 bbl D/F Brewhouse

Location:Portland, OR


New Stock BSV 5 bbl Direct Fired Brewhouse- This system is a smaller version of our typical 7 bbl system. The basic system is offered as combi system but a dedicated oversized hlt can be added as priced below. Combi Vessel -5 bbl Mash/Lauter tun, insulated and s/s clad with milled screen, top manway door, side door for grain out, sparge ring, hydrator, tank light -Hot Liquor Tank, insulated and s/s clad with electric immersion heater and controls Brewkettle/ Whirlpool -5 bbl with enclosed firebox and forced air Midco burner, insulated and s/s clad, top manway door, tangential whirlpool inlet, side and bottom drain, tank light Thomsen washdown Kettle and wort pumps with VFD's Brewer's platform, stairs, and complete brewhouse piping package with brewhouse skid 3sqMtr stainless heat exchanger with stainless end plated and center plate for dual stage operation - glycol and water Brewhouse control panel with digital controllers and dial controls for pump vfd's OPTIONS- -Eliminate the combi tank and utilize a separate 10 bbl HLT, non skid mounted, with pump and controls - $7600 -Motorized rake with drive and vfd - available as an option wihen the touchscereen panel is ordered - $3300 -1000# capacity grist hopper mounted on legs - $3100 -Steam condensor for the Brewkettle - $1800


Model5bbl d/f
Stock Number7372